Thursday, October 20, 2011

Welcome to out HEDS Conference Workshop blog!

Firstly we are going to get to know those around us, so please ask the person sitting next to you what their name is, what institution they are from, their subject area and how they are feeling in one word (e.g. happy, sad). You can give feedback using a backchannel tool called Todaysmeet ( You can either type the url into your laptop/mobile browser or access it from your mobile phone by scanning the QR code with your mobile QR reader. If you do not have a QR reader you can install one from your smartphone apps store e.g. Quickmark or BEETAG.

Once you are in the HEDS11TUT back-channel room, type in your name and join the room, Now you can enter your message introduce the person next to you by typing in your message. Lets start the conversation.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Mobile learning stuff

Just putting some interesting mobile learning stuff here...
Tools for learning: Mobile phones and authentic learning tasks

Mobile learning stuff from my database: